IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, your regular attendance at a local church is not only commanded (Hebrews 10:24-25), it is vital to your growth as a believer and your ability to minister to other believers. Technology has made it possible to hear Bible-based preaching from a variety of online sources, but it CANNOT replace the need for involvement in a local church.


Calvary Baptist Church is located in the heart of the high plains of central Wyoming, and severe weather can at times make it difficult or impossible for those living in rural areas to safely drive to church. We hope providing some of our Sunday morning main service messages will help at those times when travel is not possible for our members; and we also welcome visitors to listen in to hear what is being preached at our church.


If you’d like to know more about the messages, our church or how you can have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, please contact us.




Find out more in this helpful tract!